Special AGM Announced: 11th July

Greetings all,

We hope the off season is treating you all well!

News that as followed from last night’s general council meeting is that the Reserve F and G leagues will no longer play 2 day cricket. This will certainly help the club in fielding the 3rd and 4th teams. Anyone that wishes to play two day cricket will do so in the first and second teams.

The committee has decided on the date for the next AGM for the 11th July 2013.  This will be a Special AGM to discuss certain items pertaining to the  constitution of the club and the new committee.

Please note, we need 20 members at the meeting to allow the meeting to proceed, so please can you diarise it.  We will confirm the time closer to the date, but it will most likely commence at 18:30.  Please do all your can to be there.

There will also be the vote for the committee for the upcoming season. This is an important aspect in the running of the club and if you feel passionate about the club, we ask that you make yourselves available for a committee position to help run the club going forward. It has been a hard year, but we’re ready to put it behind and work towards much improved years to come.

The committee positions are as follows:
a) The Chairman of the Committee;
b) The Club Captain;
c) The Honorary Secretary;
d) The Honorary Treasurer;
e) The Honorary match Secretary;
f) The Entertainment Organiser;
g) The Fund Raising Organiser;
h) The House Organiser;
i) The Grounds Organiser
j) The Chairman of the Selection Sub-Committee;
k) The Captain of the First Team.

Please circulate this news and announcement amongst yourself and we’ll see you all at next month’s AGM.  Contact Neal if you have any questions.

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